WAKE_UP [Official Page]

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It’s free to download the official page of WAKE_UP, a new horror Fnaf fan game! Start off with a nightguard and try to protect yourself from evil animatronic mascots!

WAKE_UP [Official Page]

About WAKE_UP [Official Page]

You work the night shift at Fredbear’s Family Diner. The owner hires you because of some recent thefts.
The workplace is a new pizza restaurant in the town. It appears due to the hit TV show Fredbear and Friends in 1983.

The location’s manager promises it will be a good destination for adults and kids to entertain themself. In fact, the company will amaze with their high-tech.

To become the winner, you need to act strategically. It’s essential to do that because you’re going to face a gang of scary robotic monsters.

They can roam around areas in the building and invade the office to grab and kill you. It’s important to keep them at the door.

Download WAKE_UP [Official Page] you will have the chance to prove your own survivability for free!


by: iCouch @iCouch

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